Images By Adrianna

My grandmother, Joanie, who went by “Mimi”, was a very talented painter amongst many, many other things. When I’d go and stay with her in Siler City, NC, she would always have the paints out and ready for me. Because if we weren’t in the kitchen dousing butter over every dish, playing Scrabble, or singing along to my grandfather’s banjo pickin’... we were painting. And I admired her innovative ideas on the items we’d paint on together - from rocks to driftwood to canvases she built herself with aluminum can pull tabs for the backings.

It was Mimi who first introduced me to pressing flowers. We would find little ones out in the fields and rush inside to delicately place them in a book before they wilted. Throughout my life, I always assumed flowers were primarily pressed in books.

So, when I began collecting flowers at the end of work events, I was spending hours upon hours pressing as many as I could before they would wilt. It didn't take long before I was regularly hauling hundreds of flowers home each night. And after working a grueling 13-hour shift, the last thing I wanted to do was stay up until 4 am pressing each bloom.

Then one day...

I noticed an ad for a microwavable flower press. What? No way. I didn’t even own a microwave but couldn’t fathom the idea of a flower not only being pressed within seconds but dried, pressed and ready to use! The Microfleur was a godsend for me (maybe not for my neighbor who endured hearing the constant microwave beeping into the wee hours each night).

Interested in finding out more about the Microfleur?

Check it out here and receive 10% off any Microfleur purchase using the code: R3LOV3

Want to learn how you too can simply and quickly press flowers at home? Sign up for my newsletter to receive your FREE Simple Little Guide to Flower Pressing.